In this first installment of iSelect’s new video series, iSelect CEO Carter Williams speaks about how he, as a trained engineer, sees the work that iSelect is doing to bring funding to entrepreneurs in the Midwest. It’s a problem, he explains, but like all problems there are solutions available to those who are willing to be creative and work toward a common goal.
“As an engineer, people often ask me why am I at iSelect. Engineers are focused on solving problems, and I’ve spent a large part of my career working on really tough challenges at Boeing and in the aerospace industry. For me, everything is a problem that needs to be solved. iSelect is principally focused on solving the capital shortfall problem for entrepreneurs in the Midwest, so that is an example of an equation that needs to be solved. I am also interested in technology, and how to advance biotech, aerospace, and other fields of study, so the work is intriguing in and of itself.”
Click above to view the video.