Human Microbiome Diagnostics

Human Microbiome Diagnostics

This is a deep dive into the challenges and opportunities of researching the human microbiome. The discussion covers cutting-edge technologies and companies that are innovating in the field. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the microbiome... Read more
Blood Based Cancer Diagnostics

Blood Based Cancer Diagnostics

New cancer diagnoses are expected to rise by 70% in the next two decades. Early detection of cancer greatly reduces survival rates. Current standards of care are either highly invasive/highly accurate or non-invasive/not accurate. Blood-based cancer diagnostics are... Read more
Blood Based Cancer Diagnostics

Biohacking: Revolutionizing Health and Redefining the Future

Young people aren’t just using 23andMe to find out who their ancestors are, they’re digging deeper to find the “right” set of vitamins, drugs, probiotics, food, etc so that they can be at their healthiest. They are using it to find a “compatible” spouse. Biohacking... Read more
Gene Therapy

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is changing the future of how we fundamentally deal with disease treatment for inheritable diseases and many others. During this deep dive, we discuss the new technologies that are enabling cures once thought impossible, the companies leading the way, the... Read more
Blood Based Cancer Diagnostics


Exploring trends and opportunities in the longevity research arena, including senescence, parabiosis, autophagy, and others. Read more
Synthetic Biology

Synthetic Biology

Consumer Acceptance of Synthetic Biology and Gene Editing: What You Need to Know Synthetic biology and gene editing are two emerging fields that can potentially transform various industries, from agriculture to medicine. However, as with any new technology, there are... Read more